Beyond insularity


Panorama is an independent art space in Venice aiming to display local and national surroundings and international horizons, fostering opportunities for collaboration and rediscovery beyond insularity.
        About 20 square meters of triangular shape overlook Campiello San Zulian thanks to three large windows that suggest a strong relationship between inside and outside. For a long time occupied by commercial activities, since summer 2023 it expresses a new identity as an indipendent art space.

Panorama is located in San Marco 602/A, Venice and is co–founded by Ozio, MAY and curated by Giovanni Paolin.

For more info please write to and follow @panoramavenezia on Instagram

Aguas Negras by Byron Gago
3.5 – 7.6.2024 – Vernissage May 3rd at 7pm
Byron Gago is a visual artist born in Ecuador in 1994 and currently based in Bern. Deeply committed to unraveling the complexities of identity and cultural exchange, he explores the emotional landscape of migration. His work delves into the intricate layers of identity and belonging, particularly around borders.