Beyond insularity


Panorama is an independent art space in Venice aiming to display local and national surroundings and international horizons, fostering opportunities for collaboration and rediscovery beyond insularity.

Panorama is located in San Marco 602/A, Venice and is co–founded by Ozio, MAY and curated by Giovanni Paolin.

Panorama is open by appointment. For more info please write to and follow @panoramavenezia on Instagram

Pale Boundaries by Aiko Shimotsuma
19.9 – 1.12.2024
The site-specific installations, enveloping the exhibition space in an atmosphere reminiscent of the lagoon environment, evoke various densities and sensations that are experienced personally through the presence of water, mist, and silence, yet come together in a collective perception.

L’intruso inventato cioè l’asfalto veneziano
Curated by Andrea Ceresa and Federico Broggini
3.7 – 31.8.2024
Answering the question “where is the asphalt in Venice?”, the exhibition invites us to see it more closely, more attentively, through the artwork of the six invited artists: Francesco Fazzi, Erica Toffanin, Marina Marques with Alessia Ugolin and Chiara Alexandra Young, Valentina Goretti, Giacomo Bianco, and Tommaso Mola Meregalli.

Aguas Negras by Byron Gago
3.5 – 7.6.2024
Byron Gago is a visual artist born in Ecuador in 1994 and currently based in Bern. Deeply committed to unraveling the complexities of identity and cultural exchange, he explores the emotional landscape of migration. His work delves into the intricate layers of identity and belonging, particularly around borders. 

The Art Newspaper Pop–up
16.4 – 20.4.2024
For the Biennale opening week, The Art Newspaper will host its pop-up in our space at Campiello San Zulian. The Art Newspaper is the journal of record for the visual arts world, covering international news and event.

Arche by Ornella Cardillo
28.2 – 29.3.2024
The exhibition represents an evolution of the artist's research, deeply rooted in historical, formal, and cultural analysis of the concept of "Edicola" (shrine, kiosk). A term with distant origins, considered in its expanded meaning. 

The parable of the mountain. A writing platform for brackish scenarios by Matteo Stocco
15.12.2023 – 27.1.2024
The installation and the writing workshop are conceived by Matteo Stocco from the platform, a tool for observing and investigating the Venice lagoon,  launched in 2015 and consists of an archive of films and interviews that investigate the varied and complex aspects of the Venice lagoon and the communities that inhabit it.